일상의 삶/공부하는중

현제완료 시제

이해이 2024. 4. 15. 13:21

* 문법은 브릭스 리딩 문제집을 기반으로 정리합니다.

해당 단원 : Bricks 240-2 Unit 5 Grammer

Present Perfect Tense



 현재완료 시제는 과거에 시작되어 현재까지 계속되는 사건을 나타냅니다.

하지만 과거형은 과거에 완료된 사건을 나타냅니다.




진술: 주제 + 동사-ed
부정: 주어 + didnt 동사
서술문 - 주어 + have/has + 과거분사
부정 - 주어 + have/has + not + 과거분사
과거에 종료된 이벤트의 경우
주로 다음과 같은 시간 표현과 함께 사용됩니다
어제, 지난 달, 2006년 (yesterday, last month, in 2006)
과거에 시작된 끝나지 않은 이벤트가 현재까지 계속되는 경우
일반적으로 다음과 같은 시간 표현과 함께 사용됩니다.
오늘, 이번 주, 이번 달, 이후, 이전 등.
(today, this week, this month, since, for, before, etc)

* I, you, we, they와 함께 have를 사용

he, she, it에는 has를 사용

아래는 현제완료시제의 예문들입니다.

I lived in Paris in 2007.

(나는 2007년에 파리에 살았다.)

I didn’t do my homework yesterday.

(나는 어제 숙제를 하지 않았다.)

My mom has ironed the shirts since 2 o’clock.

(엄마는 2시부터 셔츠를 다릅니다.)

I have not visited New York before.

(나는 이전에 뉴욕을 방문하지 않았다.)

She has finished her homework.

(그녀는 숙제를 끝냈다.)

He has not studied for the exam.

(그는 시험을 위해 공부하지 않았다.)

They have cleaned the house.

(그들은 집을 청소했다.)

I have not eaten lunch yet.

(나는 아직 점심을 먹지 않았다.)

We have visited the museum.

(우리는 박물관을 방문했다.)

She has not watched the movie.

(그녀는 그 영화를 보지 않았다.)

He has completed the project.

(그는 프로젝트를 완료했다.)

They have not finished their homework.

(그들은 숙제를 끝내지 않았다.)

I have studied English for two hours.

(나는 영어를 두 시간 동안 공부했다.)

She has not returned the book to the library.

(그녀는 그 책을 도서관에 반납하지 않았다.)


개념과 예문을 10번씩 소리내어 읽고,

아래의 문제들을 풀어보세요.

정답은 하단에 있습니다.

알맞은 것에 동그라미를 쳐 문장을 완성하세요

1. Jeremy (has watched / have watched) TV for 2 hours.

2. It (snowed / have snowed) a lot last night.

3. The kids (has played / have played) mobile games since 1 o’clock.

주어진 단어로 “have/has + p.p.”를 사용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

4. My father _____________________ his car for 1hour. (wash)

5. I _____________________ the computer today. (not, use)

6. They _____________________ to other countries before. (not, travel)

객관식 문제를 해결해보세요.

7. Which sentence correctly uses the present perfect tense?

a) She watched the movie yesterday.

b) They have finished their homework.

c) He not eats breakfast every day.

d) We are going to the park tomorrow.

8. Choose the sentence that forms a negative statement in the present perfect tense:

a) He has read the book.

b) We have visited the museum.

c) They have played soccer.

d) She has not completed her assignment.

9. Which sentence is in the present perfect tense?

a) The train arrives at 9 AM every morning.

b) She is studying for her exam.

c) They have gone to the beach.

d) He will go to the party tonight.

10. Select the sentence that correctly uses the present perfect tense in the negative form:

a) We have finished our dinner.

b) She has visited her grandparents.

c) He not has cleaned his room.

d) They have played tennis.

11. Which sentence illustrates the present perfect tense?

a) He sings in the choir.

b) They will travel to Europe next summer.

c) She has danced ballet since she was five.

d) We go to the movies every Friday.


1.has watched

2. snowed

3. have played

4. has washed

5. have not used

6. have not traveled

7. b) They have finished their homework.

8. d) She has not completed her assignment.

9. c) They have gone to the beach.

10. c) He not has cleaned his room.

11. c) She has danced ballet since she was five.
