
(not) as ~ as ... 예문 및 문제 본문

일상의 삶/공부하는중

(not) as ~ as ... 예문 및 문제

이해이 2024. 4. 11. 11:50

* 문법은 브릭스 리딩 문제집을 기반으로 정리합니다.

해당 단원 : Bricks 240-2 Unit 2 Grammer

as ... as / not as ... as




(not) as 형용사/부사 as"를 사용한 예문입니다.

She is as tall as her brother.

(그녀는 그녀의 형제만큼 키가 크다.)

This movie is as exciting as the previous one.

(이 영화는 이전 것만큼 흥미로운 영화이다.)

He works as hard as his colleagues.

(그는 그의 동료들만큼 열심히 일한다.)

The new restaurant is as popular as the old one.

(새로운 식당은 예전 것만큼 인기가 있다.)

Her presentation was as impressive as I expected.

(그녀의 발표는 내가 예상한 것만큼 인상적이었다.)

The house is as clean as it was before.

(집은 이전과 같이 깨끗하다.)

He sings as beautifully as a professional singer.

(그는 전문가처럼 아름답게 노래한다.)

The coffee here is as good as the one I had in Italy.

(여기의 커피는 이탈리아에서 마신 것과 같이 맛있다.)

This book is as interesting as the one I read last week.

(이 책은 지난 주에 읽은 책과 같이 흥미롭다.)

The weather is as nice as it was yesterday.

(날씨는 어제와 같이 좋다.)

She is not as tall as her sister.

(그녀는 그녀의 언니만큼 키가 크지 않다.)

This movie is not as interesting as the one we watched last week.

(이 영화는 지난 주에 본 것만큼 흥미롭지 않다.)

He is not as smart as his classmates.

(그는 그의 동급생만큼 똑똑하지 않다.)

The new phone is not as expensive as the one I bought last year.

(새로운 핸드폰은 내가 작년에 샀던 것만큼 비싸지 않다.)

Her cooking is not as delicious as her mother's.

(그녀의 요리는 그녀의 어머니만큼 맛있지 않다.)

This hotel is not as luxurious as the one we stayed in last time.

(이 호텔은 우리가 마지막에 머물렀던 것만큼 호화롭지 않다.)

The service here is not as good as it used to be.

(여기 서비스는 예전만큼 좋지 않다.)

This car is not as fast as the one my friend has.

(이 차는 내 친구의 것만큼 빠르지 않다.)

The cake is not as tasty as I expected.

(케이크는 내가 예상한 것만큼 맛있지 않다.)

The weather today is not as sunny as it was yesterday.

(오늘 날씨는 어제와 같이 맑지 않다.)

예문들을 10번씩 반복해서 읽어보신 후,

내용의 이해가 되셨다면 아래 문제를 풀어보세요


"(not)as~as"를 사용한 영어문법 문제입니다.

각 문제는 객관식으로 구성되어 있고,

정답은 페이지 하단에 있습니다.

1. "The new restaurant is ____ the old one."

a) good

b) as good as

c) better than

d) not as good as

2. "Her performance was ____ I expected."

a) impressive than

b) not as impressive as

c) impressively as

d) impressive and

3. "He is ____ his brother."

a) smarter than

b) not as smart as

c) smart as

d) smarter as

4. "The coffee here is ____ the one I had in Paris."

a) not as good as

b) good as

c) better as

d) as good than

5. "This book is ____ the one I read last month."

a) not as interesting as

b) more interesting as

c) interesting than

d) as interesting than

6. "Her voice is ____ her sister's."

a) not as beautiful as

b) beautiful as

c) more beautiful than

d) as beautiful than

7. "The weather today is ____ it was yesterday."

a) as sunny as

b) sunnier than

c) not as sunny as

d) sunny as

8. "He sings ____ a professional singer."

a) not as beautifully as

b) beautifully as

c) more beautifully than

d) as beautiful as

9. "The hotel room is ____ the one we stayed in last time."

a) nicer as

b) not as nice as

c) nicer than

d) as nice than

10. "She is ____ her friends."

a) not as tall as

b) tall as

c) taller than

d) as tall than

11. "The new car is ____ the old one."

a) better as

b) not as fast as

c) faster than

d) as fast as

12. "Her cooking is ____ her mother's."

a) as delicious than

b) not as delicious as

c) more delicious as

d) as delicious as

13. "He is ____ his older sister."

a) not as tall as

b) tall as

c) taller than

d) as tall than

14. "The service at this restaurant is ____ it used to be."

a) as good as

b) better as

c) not as good as

d) good as

15. "This laptop is ____ the one I had before."

a) not as expensive as

b) more expensive than

c) as expensive as

d) expensive than

16. "Her performance was ____ I expected."

a) not as impressive than

b) as impressive as

c) impressive as

d) more impressive than

17. "The weather today is ____ it was yesterday."

a) not as hot as

b) hot as

c) hotter than

d) as hot than

18. "The cake is ____ I thought it would be."

a) as tasty than

b) not as tasty as

c) tastier as

d) as tasty as

19. "This phone is ____ the one my friend has."

a) not as good as

b) better as

c) as good as

d) good as

20. "Her voice is ____ her brother's."

a) not as deep as

b) deep as

c) deeper than

d) as deep than

“not as 형용사/부사 as”를 사용하여 문장을 다시 작성하세요.

1. The pizza is tastier than the salad.

The salad ___________________________________

2. The mountain is higher than the hill.

The hill ___________________________________

3. The movie was more interesting than the book.

The book ___________________________________

4. Sarah runs faster than John.

John ___________________________________

5. The blue shirt is brighter than the green one.

The green shirt ______________________________





1. d) not as good as

2. b) not as impressive as

3. b) not as smart as

4. a) not as good as

5. a) not as interesting as

6. a) not as beautiful as

7. c) not as sunny as

8. a) not as beautifully as

9. b) not as nice as

10. a) not as tall as

11. b) not as fast as

12. b) not as delicious as

13. a) not as tall as

14. c) not as good as

15. a) not as expensive as

16. b) as impressive as

17. a) not as hot as

18. b) not as tasty as

19. a) not as good as

20. a) not as deep as


1. The salad is not as tasty as the pizza.

2. The hill is not as high as the mountain.

3. The book is not as interesting as the movie.

4. John does not run as fast as Sarah.

5. The green shirt is not as bright as the blue one.
