
* 문법은 브릭스 리딩 문제집을 기반으로 정리합니다.

해당 단원 : Bricks 240-2 Unit 9 Grammer






동시에 일어나는 두 가지 사건을 말할 때 as를 사용합니다.

As it was getting colder, the rain changed into snow

날씨가 추워지자 비가 눈으로 바뀌었습니다.

결과를 원인과 연결할 때 as를 사용합니다. '때문에'를 의미합니다.

As she was tired, she slept all day

그녀는 피곤해서 하루 종일 잠을 잤다.









두 가지 의미로 사용되는 더 많은 예문들입니다.



동시에 두가지 사건을 말할 때,

1. As the sun began to set, the sky turned shades of orange and pink.

- 해가 저물기 시작하자마자 하늘이 주황색과 분홍색으로 변하기 시작했다.

2. As the concert started, the crowd erupted into cheers and applause.

- 콘서트가 시작되자마자 관객들은 환호와 박수를 치며 열광했다.

3. As the temperature rose, the snow on the ground began to melt.

- 기온이 올라가자마자 땅 위의 눈이 녹기 시작했다.

4. As the clock struck midnight, fireworks lit up the sky in celebration.

- 자정이 되자마자 불꽃놀이가 하늘을 밝혔다.

5. As the waves crashed against the shore, seagulls soared overhead, searching for food.

- 파도가 해안에 부딪히자마자 갈매기들이 먹이를 찾아 하늘을 덮쳤다.

결과를 원인과 연결할 때

1. As it was raining heavily, the streets flooded.

- 비가 많이 오는 바람에 길이 침수되었다.

2. As the temperature dropped, the leaves began to change color.

- 기온이 떨어지자마자 잎이 색을 변하기 시작했다.

3. As the meeting ran late, he missed his train.

- 회의가 늦어지자마자 그는 기차를 놓쳤다.

4. As she forgot her umbrella, she got soaked in the rain.

- 그녀가 우산을 잊어버리자마자 비에 젖었다.

5. As the traffic jammed up, they arrived late to the party.

- 교통이 막혀서 파티에 늦게 도착했다.




개념과 예문을 10번씩 소리내어 읽고,

아래의 문제들을 풀어보세요.

정답은 하단에 있습니다.


접속사 “as.”의 위치에 체크(V) 표시하세요.

1. ( ) I entered the store, ( ) my glasses steamed up.

2. ( ) he became more generous ( ) he grew older.

3. ( ) the weather gets colder, ( ) we can catch a cold easily.

4. ( ) I couldn’t write my report ( ) my computer broke down.


접속사 “as”를 사용하여 문장을 선택하고 완성하세요.

the weather gets hotter / we reached the shore / I slipped on some ice

5. ____________________, food can go bad easily.

6. I broke my leg ____________________________.

7. ______________________, it started to get dark.

접속사 “as.”를 사용하여 문장을 연결하세요.

8. They clapped their hands. The pianist came on stage.


9. I really enjoy instant food. It is cheap and convenient.


10. She made coffee. The aroma of coffee filled the air.




1. (v) I entered the store, ( ) my glasses steamed up.

2. ( ) he became more generous (v) he grew older.

3. (v) the weather gets colder, ( ) we can catch a cold easily.

4. ( ) I couldn’t write my report (v) my computer broke down.

5. As the weather gets hotter, food can go bad easily.

6. I broke my leg as I slipped on some ice.

7. As we reached the shore, it started to get dark.

8. They clapped their hands as the pianist came on stage.

9. I really enjoy instant food as it is cheap and convenient.

10. She made coffee as the aroma of coffee filled the air.


* 문법은 브릭스 리딩 문제집을 기반으로 정리합니다.

해당 단원 : Bricks 240-2 Unit 7 Grammer

because / because of




because와 because of는 의미차이가 없습니다.

두 가지는 접속와 전치사로 구분되는 것이 다릅니다.







접속사이므로 다음에 주어 동사가 있는 문장이 와야합니다.


because of

전치사 of가 있으므로 다음에 ‘명사’ 또는 '동명사'가 와야 합니다.


전치사는 어렵게 생각하지 말고, ‘명사 앞에 오는 말’이라고 생각하시면 됩니다.

다음과 같이 정리할 수 있습니다.







아래는 because + subject + verb 예문들입니다.

1. Because it rained heavily, they canceled the outdoor event.

- 폭우가 왔기 때문에, 야외 행사를 취소했다.

2. She skipped the gym session because she had a headache.

- 그녀가 머리가 아파서 체육관 수업을 건너뛰었다.

3. Because the restaurant was crowded, we had to wait for a table.

- 식당이 혼잡해서, 우리는 테이블을 기다려야 했다.

4. Because he had an appointment, he left work early.

- 그는 약속이 있어서 일찍 퇴근했다.

5. Because the traffic was backed up, we arrived late to the party.

- 교통이 막혀서, 우리는 파티에 늦게 도착했다.

6. Because the train was delayed, they missed their connecting flight.

- 기차가 지연되어, 그들은 환승편 비행기를 놓쳤다.

7. Because the store was out of stock, she couldn't find her favorite shampoo.

- 상점이 품절이라서, 그녀는 자신이 좋아하는 샴푸를 찾지 못했다.

8. Because he was allergic to cats, he couldn't visit his friend who owned one.

- 그는 고양이 알레르기가 있어서, 친구를 방문할 수 없었다.

9. Because the internet was down, we couldn't finish our online meeting.

- 인터넷이 끊겨서, 우리는 온라인 회의를 마치지 못했다.

10. Because it was too windy, they decided not to go sailing.

- 바람이 너무 세서, 그들은 요트를 타러 가지 않기로 결정했다.

아래는 because of + noun/gerund 예문들입니다.

물론이죠! "due to"를 사용한 문장들과 함께 한글 뜻을 제시해 드리겠습니다:

1. The flight was delayed due to technical issues.

- 비행기가 기술적 문제로 지연되었습니다.

2. The event was postponed due to unforeseen circumstances.

- 예기치 못한 사정으로 행사가 연기되었습니다.

3. The project was completed ahead of schedule due to the team's hard work.

- 팀의 노력 덕분에 프로젝트가 예정보다 빨리 완료되었습니다.

4. The power outage occurred due to a severe storm.

- 강한 폭풍으로 전기가 나갔습니다.

5. The train service was disrupted due to track maintenance.

- 선로 보수로 기차 운행이 중단되었습니다.

6. The concert was rescheduled due to the lead singer's illness.

- 리드 싱어의 질병으로 콘서트가 재일정되었습니다.

7. The meeting was canceled due to low attendance.

- 참석률이 낮아 회의가 취소되었습니다.

8. The traffic jam persisted due to a major accident on the highway.

- 고속도로에서 대형 사고로 인해 교통 정체가 계속되었습니다.

9. The store closed early due to a lack of customers.

- 고객 부족으로 가게가 일찍 문을 닫았습니다.

10. The match was called off due to heavy rain.

- 폭우로 경기가 취소되었습니다.







개념과 예문을 10번씩 소리내어 읽고,
아래의 문제들을 풀어보세요.
정답은 하단에 있습니다.


알맞은 것에 동그라미를 쳐 문장을 완성하세요

1. I couldn't sleep last night (because / because of) a headache.

2. I catch colds often (because / because of) I'm not healthy.

3. The airport is closed (because / because of) heavy snow.

“because” or “because of.”를 알맞게 넣으세요.

4. I got up late _______________ my alarm didn't go off.

5. He couldn’t buy the smartphone _______________ he didn’t have enough money.

6. I become stressed out _______________ too much homework.

7. I didn't go out _______________ fine dust.

객관식 문제를 해결해보세요..

1. The flight was canceled ___ the heavy snowstorm.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

2. He couldn't attend the meeting ___ his car broke down.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

3. The soccer game was postponed ___ the stadium was not ready.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

4. They arrived late to the party ___ they got stuck in traffic.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

5. She missed her flight ___ she overslept.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

6. The concert was canceled ___ the lead singer fell ill.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

7. They had to evacuate the building ___ the fire alarm went off.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

8. The store closed early ___ it was a public holiday.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

9. He failed the exam ___ he didn't study enough.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

10. The school was closed ___ a severe snowstorm.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

















1.because of
3.because of
6.because of
7.because of

객관식 정답
1. b) because of
2. a) because
3. b) because of
4. a) because
5. a) because
6. b) because of
7. b) because of
8. a) because
9. a) because
10. b) because of




* 문법은 브릭스 리딩 문제집을 기반으로 정리합니다.

해당 단원 : Bricks 240-2 Unit 6 Grammer

be different from / be the same as






be different from

다르다는 것은 '같지 않다'는 뜻입니다. 두 개 이상의 항목을 비교할 때는 from이 뒤에 옵니다.


Today's weather is different from yesterday's weather.

오늘의 날씨는 어제의 날씨와 다릅니다.


Her story was different from the truth.

그녀의 이야기는 진실과 달랐다.


be the same as

Same은 '다른 사람이나 서로 똑같다'는 뜻입니다. 사람이나 사물을 비교할 때는 같은 패턴을 사용합니다.


My birthday is the same as my mother's.

내 생일은 엄마 생일과 똑같아.


One dozen is the same as twelve.

1다스는 12와 같습니다.







아래는 be different from의 예문들입니다.


1. The taste of Italian gelato is different from that of traditional American ice cream.

(이탈리아 젤라또의 맛은 전통적인 미국 아이스크림과 다릅니다.)


2. Her approach to problem-solving is different from that of her colleague, but both are effective.

(문제 해결에 대한 그녀의 접근 방식은 동료의 것과 다르지만, 둘 다 효과적입니다.)


3. The climate in the desert is vastly different from that in the tropical rainforest.

(사막의 기후는 열대 우림과 크게 다릅니다.)


4. The new edition of the book will be different from the original, featuring updated information and illustrations.

(새로운 책의 판은 원본과 다를 것입니다. 업데이트된 정보와 그림이 포함되어 있습니다.)


5. His personality traits are different from those of his twin brother, despite their identical appearance.

(그의 성격 특성은 쌍둥이 형제와는 달리 다릅니다. 비록 외모는 똑같더라도요.)


6. The requirements for this job position are different from those of the previous one.

(이 직책의 요구 사항은 이전 것과 다릅니다.)


7. The color of her dress is slightly different from what she had imagined, but it still looks beautiful on her.

(그녀가 입은 드레스 색깔은 그녀가 상상한 것과 약간 다르지만, 여전히 그녀에게 아름답게 어울립니다.)


8. His teaching style is quite different from traditional methods, focusing more on hands-on activities.

(그의 가르침 스타일은 전통적인 방법과 매우 다릅니다. 좀 더 실제적인 활동에 중점을 둡니다.)


9. The taste of homemade cookies is always different from store-bought ones.

(집에서 만든 쿠키의 맛은 항상 상점에서 산 것과 다릅니다.)


10. Her interpretation of the painting is different from that of art critics, but it is equally valid.

(그녀의 그림 해석은 미술 비평가들과 다르지만, 그것은 똑같이 타당합니다.)



아래는 be the same as 의 예문들입니다.


1. The flavor of this dish is the same as the one we had last time at the restaurant.

- 이 요리의 맛은 우리가 직전에 레스토랑에서 먹었던 것과 똑같아요.


2. The design of their logo is the same as ours, which could lead to confusion in the market.

- 그들의 로고 디자인은 우리 것과 똑같아서 시장에서 혼란을 야기할 수 있습니다.


3. The symptoms she is experiencing are the same as those of the flu, so she should see a doctor.

- 그녀가 경험하고 있는 증상은 독감과 똑같으니 의사를 찾아봐야 해요.


4. The color of his car is the same as mine, so sometimes we accidentally switch keys.

- 그의 차 색깔은 제 차랑 같아서 가끔 우리가 열쇠를 실수로 바꿔요.


5. The ingredients for this recipe are the same as those for the traditional version, but the method is different.

- 이 레시피의 재료는 전통 버전과 똑같지만 방법은 다릅니다.


6. His taste in music is the same as mine, so we often go to concerts together.

- 그의 음악 취향은 제 것과 같아서 우리는 종종 함께 콘서트에 갑니다.


7. The pattern on her dress is the same as the one on her sister's, but in different colors.

- 그녀의 드레스에 있는 무늬는 언니의 것과 똑같지만 색상이 다릅니다.


8. The model of his phone is the same as mine, so we can share chargers and accessories.

- 그의 핸드폰 모델은 제 것과 같아서 우리는 충전기와 액세서리를 공유할 수 있어요.










개념과 예문을 10번씩 소리내어 읽고,

아래의 문제들을 풀어보세요.

정답은 하단에 있습니다.




알맞은 것에 동그라미를 쳐 문장을 완성하세요


1. His plan is different (from / as) mine.


2. The word order of Japanese is the same (from / as) that of Korean.


3. Your new smartphone is (the same / same) as my smartphone.


4. My son is (different / the same) from other boys.





주어진 단어를 순서에 맞게 나열하세요.


5. Body language _________________________ country to country. (from, is, different)


6. This blouse _________________________ the one in the picture. (as, is, the same)


7. My idea _________________________ theirs. (is, from, different)





객관식 문제를 해결해보세요.


1. The taste of Korean kimchi is ____ that of Japanese sushi.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) similar to


2. Her fashion style is ____ her sister's, they often share clothes.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) similar to


3. The climate in Antarctica is ____ that in the Sahara Desert.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) identical to


4. The price of this laptop is ____ the one advertised last week.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) similar to


5. His handwriting is ____ his brother's, making it hard to tell them apart.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) comparable to


6. The instructions for this DIY project are ____ those for the previous one.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) akin to


7. The taste of this homemade cake is ____ that of a store-bought one.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) similar to


8. Her performance in the exam was ____ her classmates'.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) resembling


9. The features of this smartphone are ____ those of the latest model.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) akin to


10. The texture of silk is ____ that of satin.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) comparable to

























1. from

2. as

3. the same

4. different

5. is different from

6. is the same as

7. is different from



1. a) different from

2. b) the same as

3. a) different from

4. b) the same as

5. b) the same as

6. a) different from

7. b) the same as

8. a) different from

9. b) the same as

10. a) different from




* 문법은 브릭스 리딩 문제집을 기반으로 정리합니다.

해당 단원 : Bricks 240-2 Unit 5 Grammer

Present Perfect Tense



 현재완료 시제는 과거에 시작되어 현재까지 계속되는 사건을 나타냅니다.

하지만 과거형은 과거에 완료된 사건을 나타냅니다.




진술: 주제 + 동사-ed
부정: 주어 + didnt 동사
서술문 - 주어 + have/has + 과거분사
부정 - 주어 + have/has + not + 과거분사
과거에 종료된 이벤트의 경우
주로 다음과 같은 시간 표현과 함께 사용됩니다
어제, 지난 달, 2006년 (yesterday, last month, in 2006)
과거에 시작된 끝나지 않은 이벤트가 현재까지 계속되는 경우
일반적으로 다음과 같은 시간 표현과 함께 사용됩니다.
오늘, 이번 주, 이번 달, 이후, 이전 등.
(today, this week, this month, since, for, before, etc)

* I, you, we, they와 함께 have를 사용

he, she, it에는 has를 사용

아래는 현제완료시제의 예문들입니다.

I lived in Paris in 2007.

(나는 2007년에 파리에 살았다.)

I didn’t do my homework yesterday.

(나는 어제 숙제를 하지 않았다.)

My mom has ironed the shirts since 2 o’clock.

(엄마는 2시부터 셔츠를 다릅니다.)

I have not visited New York before.

(나는 이전에 뉴욕을 방문하지 않았다.)

She has finished her homework.

(그녀는 숙제를 끝냈다.)

He has not studied for the exam.

(그는 시험을 위해 공부하지 않았다.)

They have cleaned the house.

(그들은 집을 청소했다.)

I have not eaten lunch yet.

(나는 아직 점심을 먹지 않았다.)

We have visited the museum.

(우리는 박물관을 방문했다.)

She has not watched the movie.

(그녀는 그 영화를 보지 않았다.)

He has completed the project.

(그는 프로젝트를 완료했다.)

They have not finished their homework.

(그들은 숙제를 끝내지 않았다.)

I have studied English for two hours.

(나는 영어를 두 시간 동안 공부했다.)

She has not returned the book to the library.

(그녀는 그 책을 도서관에 반납하지 않았다.)


개념과 예문을 10번씩 소리내어 읽고,

아래의 문제들을 풀어보세요.

정답은 하단에 있습니다.

알맞은 것에 동그라미를 쳐 문장을 완성하세요

1. Jeremy (has watched / have watched) TV for 2 hours.

2. It (snowed / have snowed) a lot last night.

3. The kids (has played / have played) mobile games since 1 o’clock.

주어진 단어로 “have/has + p.p.”를 사용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

4. My father _____________________ his car for 1hour. (wash)

5. I _____________________ the computer today. (not, use)

6. They _____________________ to other countries before. (not, travel)

객관식 문제를 해결해보세요.

7. Which sentence correctly uses the present perfect tense?

a) She watched the movie yesterday.

b) They have finished their homework.

c) He not eats breakfast every day.

d) We are going to the park tomorrow.

8. Choose the sentence that forms a negative statement in the present perfect tense:

a) He has read the book.

b) We have visited the museum.

c) They have played soccer.

d) She has not completed her assignment.

9. Which sentence is in the present perfect tense?

a) The train arrives at 9 AM every morning.

b) She is studying for her exam.

c) They have gone to the beach.

d) He will go to the party tonight.

10. Select the sentence that correctly uses the present perfect tense in the negative form:

a) We have finished our dinner.

b) She has visited her grandparents.

c) He not has cleaned his room.

d) They have played tennis.

11. Which sentence illustrates the present perfect tense?

a) He sings in the choir.

b) They will travel to Europe next summer.

c) She has danced ballet since she was five.

d) We go to the movies every Friday.


1.has watched

2. snowed

3. have played

4. has washed

5. have not used

6. have not traveled

7. b) They have finished their homework.

8. d) She has not completed her assignment.

9. c) They have gone to the beach.

10. c) He not has cleaned his room.

11. c) She has danced ballet since she was five.




* 문법은 브릭스 리딩 문제집을 기반으로 정리합니다.

해당 단원 : Bricks 240-2 Unit 4 Grammer

Correlative Conjunctions







​개념 이해하기.


I bought both a skirt and a blouse.

Her room is not only bright but also cozy.

Both Mark and Jessica like to scuba dive. (복수동사사용)

Not only my sister but also my brother doesn’t drink milk. (두 번째 주어와 동사 일치)

여러가지 쓰임의 예문.

1. Both John and Sarah enjoy playing tennis.

- 존과 사라 모두 테니스를 즐깁니다.

2. Not only my aunt but also my uncle loves to travel.

- 내 이모 뿐만 아니라 삼촌도 여행을 좋아합니다.

3. Both the cat and the dog like to chase birds.

- 고양이와 개는 모두 새를 쫓는 것을 좋아합니다.

4. Not only my cousin but also my niece is learning to play the piano.

- 내 사촌 뿐만 아니라 조카도 피아노 연주를 배우고 있습니다.

5. Both my grandfather and my grandmother enjoy gardening.

- 할아버지와 할머니 모두 가드닝을 즐깁니다.





개념과 예문을 10번씩 소리내어 읽고,

아래의 문제들을 풀어보세요.

정답은 하단에 있습니다.

알맞은 것에 동그라미를 쳐 문장을 완성하세요

1. The old man is (not only / both) selfish but also greedy.

2. I like both fishing (and / or) going camping.

3. He not only can play the guitar (and / but also) the drums.

4. (Both / Not only) Peter and James are good soccer players.

주어진 단어를 사용하여 문장을 연결하세요.

5. This bike is cheap. This bike is strong, too. (not only … but also) _____________________________________________________________________

6. Sally wants to stay home. Cathy wants to stay home, too. (both … and) _____________________________________________________________________

7. The baseball is in my room. The glove is in my room, too. (not only … but also) ____________________________________________________________________

영어문법을 활용한 문제를 다섯 개를 풀어보세요.

8. Choose the correct sentence:

a) Both my brother and my sister are going to the party.

b) Not only my brother but also my sister are going to the party.

c) My brother is going to the party and my sister.

d) My brother is going to the party but also my sister.

9. Fill in the blank with the appropriate phrase:

"_____ my parents, my grandparents came to visit."

a) Both

b) Not only

c) And also

d) But

10. Identify the correct structure:

"She enjoys not only watching movies but also reading books."

a) Simile

b) Compound subject

c) Correlative conjunction

d) Complex sentence

11. Choose the correct sentence:

a) Not only she but also he enjoys hiking.

b) Both she and he enjoys hiking.

c) She enjoys hiking and also he.

d) She enjoys hiking and he.

12. Fill in the blank with the appropriate phrase:

"I love not only pizza but also pasta."

a) Both

b) Not only

c) And also

d) But


1. The old man is not only selfish but also greedy.

2. I like both fishing and going camping.

3. He not only can play the guitar but also the drums.

4. Both Peter and James are good soccer players.

5. This bike is cheap, but also strong.

6. Both Sally and Cathy want to stay home.

7. The baseball is in my room, but also the glove.

8. a)

9. b)

10. c)

11. a)

12. b)


* 문법은 브릭스 리딩 문제집을 기반으로 정리합니다.

해당 단원 : Bricks 240-2 Unit 3 Grammer

present progressive tense





현제시제로 된 영어문법 예문

1. She sings beautifully. (그녀는 아름답게 노래합니다.)

2. They play tennis every weekend. (그들은 매주 테니스를 칩니다.)

3. He works at the bank. (그는 은행에서 일합니다.)

4. The sun rises in the east. (태양은 동쪽에서 뜹니다.)

5. I eat breakfast at 8 o'clock. (저는 아침 8시에 아침을 먹습니다.)

현제진행형으로 변환한 문장

1. She is singing beautifully. (그녀는 아름답게 노래하고 있습니다.)

2. They are playing tennis every weekend. (그들은 매주 테니스를 치고 있습니다.)

3. He is working at the bank. (그는 은행에서 일하고 있습니다.)

4. The sun is rising in the east. (태양이 동쪽에서 뜨고 있습니다.)

5. I am eating breakfast at 8 o'clock. (저는 아침 8시에 아침을 먹고 있습니다.)






예문들을 10번씩 반복해서 읽어보신 후,

내용의 이해가 되셨다면 아래 문제를 풀어보세요


문장의 빈칸을 채워보세요.

정답은 페이지 하단에 있습니다.

1. Present Simple: The train ____ at 9 AM every morning.

2. Present Continuous: She ____ her homework right now.

3. Present Simple: Cats ____ milk.

4. Present Continuous: They ____ basketball at the moment.

5. Present Simple: The sun ____ in the east.

6. Present Continuous: He ____ TV at the moment.

7. Present Simple: Water ____ at 100 degrees Celsius.

8. Present Continuous: The children ____ in the garden now.

9. Present Simple: We ____ English every Monday.

10. Present Continuous: The baby ____ loudly right now.

“be + 동사-ing”과 주어진 단어를 사용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

11. He ______________________ his nails. (cut)

12. They ______________________ the cake for their mom. (decorate)

13. She ______________________ to music. (not, listen)

“be + 동사-ing”과 주어진 단어를 사용하여 답을 완성하세요.

14. What are the two boys doing now?

_______________________________________________________ (paint the fence)

15. What is Jenny doing now?

_________________________________________________ (walk her dog in the park)

16.What is David doing now?

_________________________________________________ (look for his smartphone)


1. arrives

2. is doing

3. drink

4. are playing

5. rises

6. is watching

7. boils

8. are playing

9. study

10. is crying

11. is cutting

12. are decorating

13. is not listening

14. They are painting the fence.

15. Jenny is walking her dog in the park.

16. David is looking for his smartphone


* 문법은 브릭스 리딩 문제집을 기반으로 정리합니다.

해당 단원 : Bricks 240-2 Unit 2 Grammer

as ... as / not as ... as




(not) as 형용사/부사 as"를 사용한 예문입니다.

She is as tall as her brother.

(그녀는 그녀의 형제만큼 키가 크다.)

This movie is as exciting as the previous one.

(이 영화는 이전 것만큼 흥미로운 영화이다.)

He works as hard as his colleagues.

(그는 그의 동료들만큼 열심히 일한다.)

The new restaurant is as popular as the old one.

(새로운 식당은 예전 것만큼 인기가 있다.)

Her presentation was as impressive as I expected.

(그녀의 발표는 내가 예상한 것만큼 인상적이었다.)

The house is as clean as it was before.

(집은 이전과 같이 깨끗하다.)

He sings as beautifully as a professional singer.

(그는 전문가처럼 아름답게 노래한다.)

The coffee here is as good as the one I had in Italy.

(여기의 커피는 이탈리아에서 마신 것과 같이 맛있다.)

This book is as interesting as the one I read last week.

(이 책은 지난 주에 읽은 책과 같이 흥미롭다.)

The weather is as nice as it was yesterday.

(날씨는 어제와 같이 좋다.)

She is not as tall as her sister.

(그녀는 그녀의 언니만큼 키가 크지 않다.)

This movie is not as interesting as the one we watched last week.

(이 영화는 지난 주에 본 것만큼 흥미롭지 않다.)

He is not as smart as his classmates.

(그는 그의 동급생만큼 똑똑하지 않다.)

The new phone is not as expensive as the one I bought last year.

(새로운 핸드폰은 내가 작년에 샀던 것만큼 비싸지 않다.)

Her cooking is not as delicious as her mother's.

(그녀의 요리는 그녀의 어머니만큼 맛있지 않다.)

This hotel is not as luxurious as the one we stayed in last time.

(이 호텔은 우리가 마지막에 머물렀던 것만큼 호화롭지 않다.)

The service here is not as good as it used to be.

(여기 서비스는 예전만큼 좋지 않다.)

This car is not as fast as the one my friend has.

(이 차는 내 친구의 것만큼 빠르지 않다.)

The cake is not as tasty as I expected.

(케이크는 내가 예상한 것만큼 맛있지 않다.)

The weather today is not as sunny as it was yesterday.

(오늘 날씨는 어제와 같이 맑지 않다.)

예문들을 10번씩 반복해서 읽어보신 후,

내용의 이해가 되셨다면 아래 문제를 풀어보세요


"(not)as~as"를 사용한 영어문법 문제입니다.

각 문제는 객관식으로 구성되어 있고,

정답은 페이지 하단에 있습니다.

1. "The new restaurant is ____ the old one."

a) good

b) as good as

c) better than

d) not as good as

2. "Her performance was ____ I expected."

a) impressive than

b) not as impressive as

c) impressively as

d) impressive and

3. "He is ____ his brother."

a) smarter than

b) not as smart as

c) smart as

d) smarter as

4. "The coffee here is ____ the one I had in Paris."

a) not as good as

b) good as

c) better as

d) as good than

5. "This book is ____ the one I read last month."

a) not as interesting as

b) more interesting as

c) interesting than

d) as interesting than

6. "Her voice is ____ her sister's."

a) not as beautiful as

b) beautiful as

c) more beautiful than

d) as beautiful than

7. "The weather today is ____ it was yesterday."

a) as sunny as

b) sunnier than

c) not as sunny as

d) sunny as

8. "He sings ____ a professional singer."

a) not as beautifully as

b) beautifully as

c) more beautifully than

d) as beautiful as

9. "The hotel room is ____ the one we stayed in last time."

a) nicer as

b) not as nice as

c) nicer than

d) as nice than

10. "She is ____ her friends."

a) not as tall as

b) tall as

c) taller than

d) as tall than

11. "The new car is ____ the old one."

a) better as

b) not as fast as

c) faster than

d) as fast as

12. "Her cooking is ____ her mother's."

a) as delicious than

b) not as delicious as

c) more delicious as

d) as delicious as

13. "He is ____ his older sister."

a) not as tall as

b) tall as

c) taller than

d) as tall than

14. "The service at this restaurant is ____ it used to be."

a) as good as

b) better as

c) not as good as

d) good as

15. "This laptop is ____ the one I had before."

a) not as expensive as

b) more expensive than

c) as expensive as

d) expensive than

16. "Her performance was ____ I expected."

a) not as impressive than

b) as impressive as

c) impressive as

d) more impressive than

17. "The weather today is ____ it was yesterday."

a) not as hot as

b) hot as

c) hotter than

d) as hot than

18. "The cake is ____ I thought it would be."

a) as tasty than

b) not as tasty as

c) tastier as

d) as tasty as

19. "This phone is ____ the one my friend has."

a) not as good as

b) better as

c) as good as

d) good as

20. "Her voice is ____ her brother's."

a) not as deep as

b) deep as

c) deeper than

d) as deep than

“not as 형용사/부사 as”를 사용하여 문장을 다시 작성하세요.

1. The pizza is tastier than the salad.

The salad ___________________________________

2. The mountain is higher than the hill.

The hill ___________________________________

3. The movie was more interesting than the book.

The book ___________________________________

4. Sarah runs faster than John.

John ___________________________________

5. The blue shirt is brighter than the green one.

The green shirt ______________________________





1. d) not as good as

2. b) not as impressive as

3. b) not as smart as

4. a) not as good as

5. a) not as interesting as

6. a) not as beautiful as

7. c) not as sunny as

8. a) not as beautifully as

9. b) not as nice as

10. a) not as tall as

11. b) not as fast as

12. b) not as delicious as

13. a) not as tall as

14. c) not as good as

15. a) not as expensive as

16. b) as impressive as

17. a) not as hot as

18. b) not as tasty as

19. a) not as good as

20. a) not as deep as


1. The salad is not as tasty as the pizza.

2. The hill is not as high as the mountain.

3. The book is not as interesting as the movie.

4. John does not run as fast as Sarah.

5. The green shirt is not as bright as the blue one.


* 문법은 브릭스 리딩 문제집을 기반으로 정리합니다.

해당 단원 : Bricks 240-2 Unit 1 Grammer

Question Word + to-infinitive


출처 : 브릭스 240-2 워크시트 참조







where + to부정사

"where + to부정사"를 사용한 예문 5개입니다.

1. I don't know where to start.

(어디서 시작해야 할지 모르겠어요.)

2. Do you know where to find the nearest grocery store?

(가장 가까운 식료품점을 어디서 찾아야 하는지 알고 있나요?)

3. She told me where to meet her after class.

(수업 후에 그녀를 만날 장소를 어디로 가야 하는지 그녀가 알려주었어요.)

4. We discussed where to go for our next vacation.

(다음 휴가에 어디로 가야 할지 우리가 논의했어요.)

5. He is trying to decide where to study abroad next semester.

(그는 다음 학기에 해외로 어디에서 공부할지 결정하려고 노력하고 있어요.)





how + to부정사


"how + to부정사"를 사용한 예문 5개입니다.

1. She asked me how to cook pasta.

(그녀는 파스타를 어떻게 요리하는지 물어봤어요.)

2. He explained how to solve the math problem step by step.

(그는 수학 문제를 어떻게 해결하는지 단계별로 설명했어요.)

3. Do you know how to change a flat tire?

(네가 타이어를 어떻게 교체하는지 알고 있니?)

4. She's learning how to play the guitar.

(그녀는 기타를 어떻게 연주하는지 배우고 있어요.)

5. We discussed how to improve customer service in our store.

(우리는 가게에서 고객 서비스를 어떻게 개선할지 논의했어요.)






what + to부정사


"what + to부정사" 구문을 사용한 예문 5개입니다.

1. I don't know what to say.

(말할 말을 모르겠어요.)

2. She wondered what to wear to the party.

(그녀는 파티에 무엇을 입을지 고민했어요.)

3. He couldn't decide what to order from the menu.

(그는 메뉴에서 무엇을 주문할지 결정하지 못했어요.)

4. They discussed what to do next.

(그들은 다음에 무엇을 해야 할지 논의했어요.)

5. The question is what to do with all this extra time.

(문제는 이 모든 여분의 시간을 어떻게 활용할지입니다.)






when + to부정사


"when + to부정사" 구문을 사용한 예문 5개입니다.

1. I'll let you know when to start the meeting.

(회의를 시작할 때 알려드릴게요.)

2. She asked when to submit the report.

(그녀는 보고서를 제출해야 하는 시기를 물었어요.)

3. We discussed when to schedule the appointment.

(우리는 약속을 잡을 때를 논의했어요.)

4. He's unsure when to book the flight for the trip.

(그는 여행을 위해 비행기표를 언제 예약해야 할지 확신하지 못해요.)

5. They'll decide when to announce the winner of the competition.

(그들은 경연의 우승자를 발표할 때를 결정할 거예요.)





who + to부정사

"who + to부정사" 구문을 사용한 예문 5개입니다.

1. She wondered who to ask for help.

(그녀는 도움을 요청할 사람이 누구인지 궁금해했어요.)

2. He wasn't sure who to invite to the party.

(그는 파티에 초대할 사람이 누구인지 확신하지 못했어요.)

3. We need to decide who to assign this task to.

(이 작업을 맡길 사람이 누구인지 결정해야 해요.)

4. They discussed who to hire for the position.

(그들은 이 직책에 고용할 사람이 누구인지 논의했어요.)

5. She's thinking about who to invite as the guest speaker for the event.

(그녀는 행사의 초청 연사로 누구를 초대할지 고민하고 있어요.)





의문사별 예문들을 10번씩 반복해서 읽어보신 후,

내용의 이해가 되셨다면 아래 문제를 풀어보세요

"의문사 + to부정사"를 사용한 영어문법 문제 5개입니다.

각 문제는 객관식으로 구성되어 있고,

정답은 페이지 하단에 있습니다.

1. Who to invite as the guest speaker for the event is still undecided.

What is the correct form of the verb in the following sentence?

a) invites

b) invite

c) inviting

d) invited

2. She wasn't sure who to ask for assistance with the project.

What is the appropriate form of the verb in the following sentence?

a) asks

b) asking

c) asked

d) ask

3. We need to determine who to assign the task to by tomorrow.

What is the correct verb form to complete the sentence?

a) assigned

b) assigning

c) assigns

d) assign

4. They discussed who to appoint as the new team leader.

Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence.

a) appoints

b) appointing

c) appointed

d) appoint

5. He wondered who to consult regarding the issue.

What is the appropriate form of the verb in the following sentence?

a) consults

b) consulting

c) consulted

d) consult

아래 문제는 주관식으로 구성되어 있고,

정답은 페이지 하단에 있습니다.

의문사를 맞게 채워보세요↓

6. Can you show me __________ to operate this new software?

7. I'm unsure __________ to find a reliable plumber in this area.

8. She's trying to figure out __________ to improve her English speaking skills.

9. Do you know __________ to contact customer support for assistance?

10. He asked __________ to access the online library resources.

주어진 단어를 사용해 채워보세요 ↓

11. We are debating ________________ during our trip. (where, go)

12. The teacher explained ________________ the difficult math problem. (how, solve)

13. She wondered ________________ for the party. (what, wear)

14. He's deciding ________________ his summer vacation. (when, take)












11. where to go

12. how to solve

13. what to wear

14. when to take


* 문법은 브릭스 리딩 문제집을 기반으로 정리합니다.

해당 단원 : Bricks 240-1 Unit 16. Grammer Sheet


1. The ratio of boys to girls in the class is 2 to 3.

- 이 반의 남학생과 여학생의 비율은 2 대 3입니다.

2. In the recipe, the ratio of flour to sugar should be 3 to 1.

- 레시피에서 밀가루와 설탕의 비율은 3 대 1이어야 합니다.

3. The ratio of employees to managers in the company is 5 to 1.

- 그 회사의 직원과 관리자의 비율은 5 대 1입니다.

4. According to the survey, the ratio of people who prefer tea to coffee is 2 to 1.

- 조사에 따르면 차를 선호하는 사람과 커피를 선호하는 사람의 비율은 2 대 1입니다.

5. In the equation, the ratio of x to y is 4 to 7.

- 이 방정식에서 x와 y의 비율은 4 대 7입니다.

6. The ratio of students to teachers in the school is 25 to 1.

- 그 학교의 학생과 선생님의 비율은 25 대 1입니다.

7. The ratio of dogs to cats in the neighborhood is 2 to 1.

- 그 동네의 개와 고양이의 비율은 2 대 1입니다.

8. According to the report, the ratio of income to expenses has improved this year.

- 보고서에 따르면 수입과 비용의 비율이 올해에는 개선되었습니다.

9. The ratio of males to females in the wildlife population is approximately 1 to 1.

- 야생 동물 인구의 수컷과 암컷의 비율은 대략 1 대 1입니다.

10. The ratio of red cars to blue cars in the parking lot is 3 to 2.

- 주차장의 빨간 차와 파란 차의 비율은 3 대 2입니다.








위의 문장들을 통해 문법을 익혔다면,

문제의 문법을 익히면서 계산도 해볼까요?

정답은 저기 아래!!

1. In a classroom, the ratio of boys to girls is 3 to 5.

If there are 24 students in total, how many girls are there?

a) 6

b) 12

c) 15

d) 18

2. A recipe requires a ratio of flour to sugar to be 4 to 1.

If you need 2 cups of flour, how many cups of sugar do you need?

a) 1/2 cup

b) 1 cup

c) 2 cups

d) 4 cups

4. The ratio of dogs to cats in a pet store is 2 to 3.

If there are 15 cats, how many dogs are there?

a) 10

b) 12

c) 18

d) 20

5. In a math class, the ratio of boys to girls is 2 to 3.

If there are 24 students in total, how many boys are there?

a) 8

b) 10

c) 12

d) 16

7. The ratio of apples to oranges in a fruit basket is 5 to 4.

If there are 36 oranges, how many apples are there?

a) 20

b) 25

c) 30

d) 40

8. A mixture of vinegar and water is in a ratio of 1 to 3.

If there are 60 liters of the mixture, how many liters of water are there?

a) 15

b) 20

c) 30

d) 45

9. The ratio of students to teachers in a school is 25 to 2.

If there are 500 students, how many teachers are there?

a) 20

b) 25

c) 40

d) 50


1. c) 15

2. a)1/2 cup

4. a) 10

5. d) 16

7. d) 40

8. d) 45

9. a) 20


* 문법은 브릭스 리딩 문제집을 기반으로 정리합니다.

해당 단원 : Bricks 240-1 Unit 15. Grammer Sheet






단수 명사

아포스트로피(')와 s를 추가


John’s bike is in the garage.

(=The bike of John ~)

My father's car is parked in the garage.

(내 아버지의 차가 차고에 주차되어 있습니다.)

Sarah's dog loves to play fetch in the park.

(사라의 개는 공원에서 물티슈를 잘 잡아올려요.)

The company's CEO will announce the new strategy tomorrow.

(그 회사의 CEO가 내일 새 전략을 발표할 예정입니다.)

The cat's food bowl is empty; it needs to be filled.

(고양이의 사료 그릇이 비어 있어요; 채워져야 합니다.)

Mary's bookshelf is filled with novels and biographies.

(메리의 책장은 소설과 전기로 가득 차 있습니다.)







s로 끝나는 단수 명사

아포스트로피(')와 s를 추가

Thomas’s (or Thomas’) car is over there.

(= The car of Thomas ~.)

The boss's office is at the end of the hallway.

(사장의 사무실은 복도 끝에 있습니다.)

James's car is parked outside the restaurant.

(제임스의 차가 식당 밖에 주차되어 있습니다.)

Charles's presentation was the highlight of the conference.

(찰스의 발표가 컨퍼런스의 하이라이트였습니다.)

The class's assignment is due next Monday.

(수업의 과제는 다음 주 월요일까지 제출해야 합니다.)

The professor's lecture was informative and engaging.

(교수의 강의는 정보가 풍부하고 매력적이었습니다.)






s로 끝나는 복수 명사

s 뒤에 아포스트로피(') 추가


The tigers' teeth are sharp.

(=The teeth of the tigers ~.)

The students' essays were graded over the weekend.

(학생들의 에세이는 주말 동안 채점되었습니다.)

The workers' union negotiated for better benefits.

(근로자들의 노조가 더 나은 혜택을 위해 협상했습니다.)

The travelers' backpacks were heavy with souvenirs.

(여행객들의 배낭은 기념품으로 무거웠습니다.)






불규칙 복수 명사

아포스트로피(')와 s를 추가


The children’s room is large.

(=The room of the children ~.

The men's shoes were neatly lined up by the door.

(남자들의 신발이 문 옆에 깔끔하게 줄지어 있었습니다.)

The women's restroom was undergoing renovations.

(여자 화장실이 리모델링 중이었습니다.)

The children's teeth were checked during their dentist appointment.

(어린이들의 이가 치과 진료 때 확인되었습니다.)

The feet's odor was noticeable after a long day of walking.

(발의 냄새가 하루 종일 걷고 난 후 뚜렷하게 느껴졌습니다.)

The mice's nest was found behind the kitchen cabinets.

(쥐의 둥지가 부엌 캐비닛 뒤에서 발견되었습니다.)







예문까지 공부가 끝났다면,

아래의 문제를 풀어보세요.


1. Which sentence illustrates the correct usage of possessive nouns?

a) The cars's engines are roaring loudly.

b) Both my parent's car needs a new paint job.

c) Sarah and Tom's house is located by the river.

d) The children's toy's are organized neatly on the shelf.

e) Emily's dog enjoy playing fetch in the park.

2. Which option shows the proper formation of a possessive noun?

a) The tree's branches are swaying in the wind.

b) Both my friend's bike is in need of repair.

c) The bird's nests are hidden among the branches.

d) The women's hats are on sale at the boutique.

e) Andrew's car's tire needs to be replaced.

3. Which sentence accurately uses a possessive noun?

a) The student's grades are posted on the bulletin board.

b) Both my sister's friend's dog is missing.

c) The bird's feather's colors are vibrant.

d) The dog's collar's color is blue.

e) Jessica's cat sleeps on the couch.

4. Identify the sentence with the correct possessive noun usage.

a) The teacher's desk's drawers are filled with supplies.

b) Both my parent's job is demanding.

c) The cat's food's bowl is empty.

d) The men's coats are hung on the rack.

e) Jenny's book is on the table.

5. Choose the option that demonstrates the proper application of possessive nouns.

a) The flower's petals are delicate.

b) Both my brother's friend's car is in the garage.

c) The cat's toy's are scattered around the room.

d) The men's shoes's sizes are displayed on the shelf.

e) Rachel's cat sleeps in her bed.

6. Which sentence correctly applies the possessive noun rule?

a) The company's employee's salaries have been increased.

b) Both my uncle's house's garden is well-maintained.

c) The dog's leash's color is red.

d) The women's dress's styles are varied.

e) Mike's bike is parked outside.

7. Identify the sentence with the correct usage of possessive nouns.

a) The child's toys's colors are bright.

b) Both my friend's sister's cat is missing.

c) The dog's bowl's contents are gone.

d) The women's shoes's prices are marked down.

e) Daniel's phone is charging on the table.

8. Which option demonstrates the proper use of possessive nouns?

a) The sun's rays's warmth is comforting.

b) Both my cousin's car's engine needs repair.

c) The cat's food's bowl is full.

d) The men's hats's styles vary.

e) Sarah's keys are on the counter.

* 정답은 아래로 스크롤 혹은 태그


















정답: c) Sarah and Tom's house is located by the river.

정답: a) The tree's branches are swaying in the wind.

정답: a) The student's grades are posted on the bulletin board.

정답: e) Jenny's book is on the table.

정답: a) The flower's petals are delicate.

정답: e) Mike's bike is parked outside.

정답: e) Daniel's phone is charging on the table.

정답: e) Sarah's keys are on the counter.


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