
* 문법은 브릭스 리딩 문제집을 기반으로 정리합니다.

해당 단원 : Bricks 240-2 Unit 7 Grammer

because / because of




because와 because of는 의미차이가 없습니다.

두 가지는 접속와 전치사로 구분되는 것이 다릅니다.







접속사이므로 다음에 주어 동사가 있는 문장이 와야합니다.


because of

전치사 of가 있으므로 다음에 ‘명사’ 또는 '동명사'가 와야 합니다.


전치사는 어렵게 생각하지 말고, ‘명사 앞에 오는 말’이라고 생각하시면 됩니다.

다음과 같이 정리할 수 있습니다.







아래는 because + subject + verb 예문들입니다.

1. Because it rained heavily, they canceled the outdoor event.

- 폭우가 왔기 때문에, 야외 행사를 취소했다.

2. She skipped the gym session because she had a headache.

- 그녀가 머리가 아파서 체육관 수업을 건너뛰었다.

3. Because the restaurant was crowded, we had to wait for a table.

- 식당이 혼잡해서, 우리는 테이블을 기다려야 했다.

4. Because he had an appointment, he left work early.

- 그는 약속이 있어서 일찍 퇴근했다.

5. Because the traffic was backed up, we arrived late to the party.

- 교통이 막혀서, 우리는 파티에 늦게 도착했다.

6. Because the train was delayed, they missed their connecting flight.

- 기차가 지연되어, 그들은 환승편 비행기를 놓쳤다.

7. Because the store was out of stock, she couldn't find her favorite shampoo.

- 상점이 품절이라서, 그녀는 자신이 좋아하는 샴푸를 찾지 못했다.

8. Because he was allergic to cats, he couldn't visit his friend who owned one.

- 그는 고양이 알레르기가 있어서, 친구를 방문할 수 없었다.

9. Because the internet was down, we couldn't finish our online meeting.

- 인터넷이 끊겨서, 우리는 온라인 회의를 마치지 못했다.

10. Because it was too windy, they decided not to go sailing.

- 바람이 너무 세서, 그들은 요트를 타러 가지 않기로 결정했다.

아래는 because of + noun/gerund 예문들입니다.

물론이죠! "due to"를 사용한 문장들과 함께 한글 뜻을 제시해 드리겠습니다:

1. The flight was delayed due to technical issues.

- 비행기가 기술적 문제로 지연되었습니다.

2. The event was postponed due to unforeseen circumstances.

- 예기치 못한 사정으로 행사가 연기되었습니다.

3. The project was completed ahead of schedule due to the team's hard work.

- 팀의 노력 덕분에 프로젝트가 예정보다 빨리 완료되었습니다.

4. The power outage occurred due to a severe storm.

- 강한 폭풍으로 전기가 나갔습니다.

5. The train service was disrupted due to track maintenance.

- 선로 보수로 기차 운행이 중단되었습니다.

6. The concert was rescheduled due to the lead singer's illness.

- 리드 싱어의 질병으로 콘서트가 재일정되었습니다.

7. The meeting was canceled due to low attendance.

- 참석률이 낮아 회의가 취소되었습니다.

8. The traffic jam persisted due to a major accident on the highway.

- 고속도로에서 대형 사고로 인해 교통 정체가 계속되었습니다.

9. The store closed early due to a lack of customers.

- 고객 부족으로 가게가 일찍 문을 닫았습니다.

10. The match was called off due to heavy rain.

- 폭우로 경기가 취소되었습니다.







개념과 예문을 10번씩 소리내어 읽고,
아래의 문제들을 풀어보세요.
정답은 하단에 있습니다.


알맞은 것에 동그라미를 쳐 문장을 완성하세요

1. I couldn't sleep last night (because / because of) a headache.

2. I catch colds often (because / because of) I'm not healthy.

3. The airport is closed (because / because of) heavy snow.

“because” or “because of.”를 알맞게 넣으세요.

4. I got up late _______________ my alarm didn't go off.

5. He couldn’t buy the smartphone _______________ he didn’t have enough money.

6. I become stressed out _______________ too much homework.

7. I didn't go out _______________ fine dust.

객관식 문제를 해결해보세요..

1. The flight was canceled ___ the heavy snowstorm.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

2. He couldn't attend the meeting ___ his car broke down.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

3. The soccer game was postponed ___ the stadium was not ready.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

4. They arrived late to the party ___ they got stuck in traffic.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

5. She missed her flight ___ she overslept.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

6. The concert was canceled ___ the lead singer fell ill.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

7. They had to evacuate the building ___ the fire alarm went off.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

8. The store closed early ___ it was a public holiday.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

9. He failed the exam ___ he didn't study enough.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

10. The school was closed ___ a severe snowstorm.

- a) because

- b) because of

- c) both a and b

- d) neither a nor b

- e) unsure

















1.because of
3.because of
6.because of
7.because of

객관식 정답
1. b) because of
2. a) because
3. b) because of
4. a) because
5. a) because
6. b) because of
7. b) because of
8. a) because
9. a) because
10. b) because of




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