
* 문법은 브릭스 리딩 문제집을 기반으로 정리합니다.

해당 단원 : Bricks 240-2 Unit 6 Grammer

be different from / be the same as






be different from

다르다는 것은 '같지 않다'는 뜻입니다. 두 개 이상의 항목을 비교할 때는 from이 뒤에 옵니다.


Today's weather is different from yesterday's weather.

오늘의 날씨는 어제의 날씨와 다릅니다.


Her story was different from the truth.

그녀의 이야기는 진실과 달랐다.


be the same as

Same은 '다른 사람이나 서로 똑같다'는 뜻입니다. 사람이나 사물을 비교할 때는 같은 패턴을 사용합니다.


My birthday is the same as my mother's.

내 생일은 엄마 생일과 똑같아.


One dozen is the same as twelve.

1다스는 12와 같습니다.







아래는 be different from의 예문들입니다.


1. The taste of Italian gelato is different from that of traditional American ice cream.

(이탈리아 젤라또의 맛은 전통적인 미국 아이스크림과 다릅니다.)


2. Her approach to problem-solving is different from that of her colleague, but both are effective.

(문제 해결에 대한 그녀의 접근 방식은 동료의 것과 다르지만, 둘 다 효과적입니다.)


3. The climate in the desert is vastly different from that in the tropical rainforest.

(사막의 기후는 열대 우림과 크게 다릅니다.)


4. The new edition of the book will be different from the original, featuring updated information and illustrations.

(새로운 책의 판은 원본과 다를 것입니다. 업데이트된 정보와 그림이 포함되어 있습니다.)


5. His personality traits are different from those of his twin brother, despite their identical appearance.

(그의 성격 특성은 쌍둥이 형제와는 달리 다릅니다. 비록 외모는 똑같더라도요.)


6. The requirements for this job position are different from those of the previous one.

(이 직책의 요구 사항은 이전 것과 다릅니다.)


7. The color of her dress is slightly different from what she had imagined, but it still looks beautiful on her.

(그녀가 입은 드레스 색깔은 그녀가 상상한 것과 약간 다르지만, 여전히 그녀에게 아름답게 어울립니다.)


8. His teaching style is quite different from traditional methods, focusing more on hands-on activities.

(그의 가르침 스타일은 전통적인 방법과 매우 다릅니다. 좀 더 실제적인 활동에 중점을 둡니다.)


9. The taste of homemade cookies is always different from store-bought ones.

(집에서 만든 쿠키의 맛은 항상 상점에서 산 것과 다릅니다.)


10. Her interpretation of the painting is different from that of art critics, but it is equally valid.

(그녀의 그림 해석은 미술 비평가들과 다르지만, 그것은 똑같이 타당합니다.)



아래는 be the same as 의 예문들입니다.


1. The flavor of this dish is the same as the one we had last time at the restaurant.

- 이 요리의 맛은 우리가 직전에 레스토랑에서 먹었던 것과 똑같아요.


2. The design of their logo is the same as ours, which could lead to confusion in the market.

- 그들의 로고 디자인은 우리 것과 똑같아서 시장에서 혼란을 야기할 수 있습니다.


3. The symptoms she is experiencing are the same as those of the flu, so she should see a doctor.

- 그녀가 경험하고 있는 증상은 독감과 똑같으니 의사를 찾아봐야 해요.


4. The color of his car is the same as mine, so sometimes we accidentally switch keys.

- 그의 차 색깔은 제 차랑 같아서 가끔 우리가 열쇠를 실수로 바꿔요.


5. The ingredients for this recipe are the same as those for the traditional version, but the method is different.

- 이 레시피의 재료는 전통 버전과 똑같지만 방법은 다릅니다.


6. His taste in music is the same as mine, so we often go to concerts together.

- 그의 음악 취향은 제 것과 같아서 우리는 종종 함께 콘서트에 갑니다.


7. The pattern on her dress is the same as the one on her sister's, but in different colors.

- 그녀의 드레스에 있는 무늬는 언니의 것과 똑같지만 색상이 다릅니다.


8. The model of his phone is the same as mine, so we can share chargers and accessories.

- 그의 핸드폰 모델은 제 것과 같아서 우리는 충전기와 액세서리를 공유할 수 있어요.










개념과 예문을 10번씩 소리내어 읽고,

아래의 문제들을 풀어보세요.

정답은 하단에 있습니다.




알맞은 것에 동그라미를 쳐 문장을 완성하세요


1. His plan is different (from / as) mine.


2. The word order of Japanese is the same (from / as) that of Korean.


3. Your new smartphone is (the same / same) as my smartphone.


4. My son is (different / the same) from other boys.





주어진 단어를 순서에 맞게 나열하세요.


5. Body language _________________________ country to country. (from, is, different)


6. This blouse _________________________ the one in the picture. (as, is, the same)


7. My idea _________________________ theirs. (is, from, different)





객관식 문제를 해결해보세요.


1. The taste of Korean kimchi is ____ that of Japanese sushi.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) similar to


2. Her fashion style is ____ her sister's, they often share clothes.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) similar to


3. The climate in Antarctica is ____ that in the Sahara Desert.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) identical to


4. The price of this laptop is ____ the one advertised last week.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) similar to


5. His handwriting is ____ his brother's, making it hard to tell them apart.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) comparable to


6. The instructions for this DIY project are ____ those for the previous one.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) akin to


7. The taste of this homemade cake is ____ that of a store-bought one.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) similar to


8. Her performance in the exam was ____ her classmates'.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) resembling


9. The features of this smartphone are ____ those of the latest model.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) akin to


10. The texture of silk is ____ that of satin.

- a) different from

- b) the same as

- c) comparable to

























1. from

2. as

3. the same

4. different

5. is different from

6. is the same as

7. is different from



1. a) different from

2. b) the same as

3. a) different from

4. b) the same as

5. b) the same as

6. a) different from

7. b) the same as

8. a) different from

9. b) the same as

10. a) different from




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