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소유명사 Possessive Nouns 예문 및 문제 본문
* 문법은 브릭스 리딩 문제집을 기반으로 정리합니다.
해당 단원 : Bricks 240-1 Unit 15. Grammer Sheet
단수 명사
아포스트로피(')와 s를 추가
John’s bike is in the garage.
(=The bike of John ~)
My father's car is parked in the garage.
(내 아버지의 차가 차고에 주차되어 있습니다.)
Sarah's dog loves to play fetch in the park.
(사라의 개는 공원에서 물티슈를 잘 잡아올려요.)
The company's CEO will announce the new strategy tomorrow.
(그 회사의 CEO가 내일 새 전략을 발표할 예정입니다.)
The cat's food bowl is empty; it needs to be filled.
(고양이의 사료 그릇이 비어 있어요; 채워져야 합니다.)
Mary's bookshelf is filled with novels and biographies.
(메리의 책장은 소설과 전기로 가득 차 있습니다.)
s로 끝나는 단수 명사
아포스트로피(')와 s를 추가
Thomas’s (or Thomas’) car is over there.
(= The car of Thomas ~.)
The boss's office is at the end of the hallway.
(사장의 사무실은 복도 끝에 있습니다.)
James's car is parked outside the restaurant.
(제임스의 차가 식당 밖에 주차되어 있습니다.)
Charles's presentation was the highlight of the conference.
(찰스의 발표가 컨퍼런스의 하이라이트였습니다.)
The class's assignment is due next Monday.
(수업의 과제는 다음 주 월요일까지 제출해야 합니다.)
The professor's lecture was informative and engaging.
(교수의 강의는 정보가 풍부하고 매력적이었습니다.)
s로 끝나는 복수 명사
s 뒤에 아포스트로피(') 추가
The tigers' teeth are sharp.
(=The teeth of the tigers ~.)
The students' essays were graded over the weekend.
(학생들의 에세이는 주말 동안 채점되었습니다.)
The workers' union negotiated for better benefits.
(근로자들의 노조가 더 나은 혜택을 위해 협상했습니다.)
The travelers' backpacks were heavy with souvenirs.
(여행객들의 배낭은 기념품으로 무거웠습니다.)
불규칙 복수 명사
아포스트로피(')와 s를 추가
The children’s room is large.
(=The room of the children ~.
The men's shoes were neatly lined up by the door.
(남자들의 신발이 문 옆에 깔끔하게 줄지어 있었습니다.)
The women's restroom was undergoing renovations.
(여자 화장실이 리모델링 중이었습니다.)
The children's teeth were checked during their dentist appointment.
(어린이들의 이가 치과 진료 때 확인되었습니다.)
The feet's odor was noticeable after a long day of walking.
(발의 냄새가 하루 종일 걷고 난 후 뚜렷하게 느껴졌습니다.)
The mice's nest was found behind the kitchen cabinets.
(쥐의 둥지가 부엌 캐비닛 뒤에서 발견되었습니다.)
예문까지 공부가 끝났다면,
아래의 문제를 풀어보세요.
1. Which sentence illustrates the correct usage of possessive nouns?
a) The cars's engines are roaring loudly.
b) Both my parent's car needs a new paint job.
c) Sarah and Tom's house is located by the river.
d) The children's toy's are organized neatly on the shelf.
e) Emily's dog enjoy playing fetch in the park.
2. Which option shows the proper formation of a possessive noun?
a) The tree's branches are swaying in the wind.
b) Both my friend's bike is in need of repair.
c) The bird's nests are hidden among the branches.
d) The women's hats are on sale at the boutique.
e) Andrew's car's tire needs to be replaced.
3. Which sentence accurately uses a possessive noun?
a) The student's grades are posted on the bulletin board.
b) Both my sister's friend's dog is missing.
c) The bird's feather's colors are vibrant.
d) The dog's collar's color is blue.
e) Jessica's cat sleeps on the couch.
4. Identify the sentence with the correct possessive noun usage.
a) The teacher's desk's drawers are filled with supplies.
b) Both my parent's job is demanding.
c) The cat's food's bowl is empty.
d) The men's coats are hung on the rack.
e) Jenny's book is on the table.
5. Choose the option that demonstrates the proper application of possessive nouns.
a) The flower's petals are delicate.
b) Both my brother's friend's car is in the garage.
c) The cat's toy's are scattered around the room.
d) The men's shoes's sizes are displayed on the shelf.
e) Rachel's cat sleeps in her bed.
6. Which sentence correctly applies the possessive noun rule?
a) The company's employee's salaries have been increased.
b) Both my uncle's house's garden is well-maintained.
c) The dog's leash's color is red.
d) The women's dress's styles are varied.
e) Mike's bike is parked outside.
7. Identify the sentence with the correct usage of possessive nouns.
a) The child's toys's colors are bright.
b) Both my friend's sister's cat is missing.
c) The dog's bowl's contents are gone.
d) The women's shoes's prices are marked down.
e) Daniel's phone is charging on the table.
8. Which option demonstrates the proper use of possessive nouns?
a) The sun's rays's warmth is comforting.
b) Both my cousin's car's engine needs repair.
c) The cat's food's bowl is full.
d) The men's hats's styles vary.
e) Sarah's keys are on the counter.
* 정답은 아래로 스크롤 혹은 태그
정답: c) Sarah and Tom's house is located by the river.
정답: a) The tree's branches are swaying in the wind.
정답: a) The student's grades are posted on the bulletin board.
정답: e) Jenny's book is on the table.
정답: a) The flower's petals are delicate.
정답: e) Mike's bike is parked outside.
정답: e) Daniel's phone is charging on the table.
정답: e) Sarah's keys are on the counter.
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