
Both A and B 예문 및 문제 본문

일상의 삶/공부하는중

Both A and B 예문 및 문제

이해이 2024. 4. 11. 11:36

* 문법은 브릭스 리딩 문제집을 기반으로 정리합니다.

해당 단원 : Bricks 240-1 Unit 14. Grammer Sheet








난이도 낮은 예문↓

Both Sarah and Tom like ice cream.

(사라와 톰 둘 다 아이스크림을 좋아해요.)

John can speak both English and French.

(존은 영어와 프랑스어를 모두 할 수 있어요.)

My parents are both doctors and teachers.

(내 부모님은 둘 다 의사이자 선생님이에요.)

The store sells both shirts and pants.

(그 가게는 셔츠와 바지를 모두 판매해요.)

We need both milk and eggs for the cake.

(우리는 케이크를 만들 때 우유와 계란을 모두 필요로 해요.)

The museum exhibits both paintings and sculptures.

(박물관은 그림과 조각을 모두 전시해요.)

Sarah and Tom both enjoy swimming and hiking.

(사라와 톰은 둘 다 수영과 하이킹을 즐겨해요.)

This restaurant serves both pizza and pasta.

(이 식당은 피자와 파스타를 모두 제공해요.)

The library has both books and DVDs available.

(도서관은 책과 DVD를 모두 이용할 수 있어요.)

Both Monday and Tuesday are busy days for me.

(월요일과 화요일 둘 다 바쁜 날이에요.)

난이도 조금 있는 예문↓

Both perseverance and dedication are required to succeed in this field.

(이 분야에서 성공하기 위해서는 인내와 헌신이 모두 필요해요.)

The project demands both creativity and critical thinking skills.

(이 프로젝트는 창의력과 비판적 사고 능력이 모두 필요해요.)

Success in entrepreneurship relies on both innovation and strategic planning.

(창업에서의 성공은 혁신과 전략적 계획이 모두에게 의존합니다.)

Effective leadership requires both empathy and assertiveness.

(효과적인 리더십은 공감과 단호함이 모두 필요합니다.)

The athlete possesses both speed and agility on the field.

(그 선수는 필드에서 속도와 민첩성을 모두 갖고 있어요.)

Academic success involves both hard work and intellectual curiosity.

(학업적 성공에는 꾸준한 노력과 지적 호기심이 모두 관련돼 있어요.)

To master a language, one must develop both listening and speaking skills.

(언어를 마스터하기 위해서는 듣기와 말하기 능력을 모두 키워야 해요.)

Both flexibility and adaptability are essential in today's rapidly changing job market.

(오늘날 빠르게 변화하는 취업 시장에서는 유연성과 적응력이 모두 필수적입니다.)

Solving complex problems requires both analytical thinking and creativity.

(복잡한 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 분석적 사고와 창의성이 모두 필요합니다.)

Successful negotiation involves both compromise and assertiveness.

(성공적인 협상은 타협과 단호함이 모두 관련돼 있습니다.)






이해가 가셨다면 아래의 문제를 풀어보세요.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly uses the "both A and B" construction?

a) He enjoys both to read and writing.

b) Both he enjoys reading and writing.

c) He enjoys both reading and writing.

d) Both enjoys he reading and writing.

2. Identify the sentence that demonstrates the "both A and B" structure accurately.

a) Both my brother and I enjoy playing both tennis and basketball.

b) My brother and I both enjoy playing tennis and basketball.

c) Both playing tennis and basketball, my brother and I enjoy.

d) Both my brother enjoys playing tennis and basketball.

3. Which sentence uses "both A and B" construction incorrectly?

a) Both Sarah as well as Tom participated in the competition.

b) Sarah and Tom both excelled in academics and sports.

c) Both academics and sports are important to Sarah and Tom.

d) Both Sarah and Tom are involved in academics and sports.

4. Choose the sentence that demonstrates the correct application of "both A and B" structure.

a) Both Mark enjoys playing soccer and basketball.

b) Mark both enjoys playing soccer and basketball.

c) Both playing soccer and basketball, Mark enjoys.

d) Mark enjoys both playing soccer and basketball.

5. Which sentence uses "both A and B" incorrectly?

a) Both my sister as well as I enjoy swimming and hiking.

b) My sister and I both enjoy swimming and hiking.

c) Both swimming and hiking, my sister and I enjoy

d) Both my sister and I are fond of swimming and hiking.

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